Welcome to Efficient Sea.
If you’re reading this, you’re either my mom or… I surprisingly convinced you to click on this page. Thanks for visiting Efficient Sea! Before I introduce the business, let me introduce myself:
Hi! I’m Kevin. Former uber driver and youth basketball referee. Born and raised in Hawaii. College in Miami. Law School in Los Angeles. And now? I’m living it up in San Francisco as a corporate attorney with well over a billion dollars in deals advised.
Why start a business?
Well… it’s not for the money. In fact, fresh out of law school, my career at an international law firm places me in the top 1% of income earners ages 18-32 in all of America. And in a few years, I’m projected to be in the top 1% regardless of age. I don’t mention this to brag or to flaunt my life, and I know there are people out there making way more, but I rather show you that, with a strong income, I’m not money hungry, desperate to trick you into buying anything, or here to make a quick buck.
Unfortunately, there are people out there who decide how much respect they want to give you based on how much money you make. And if you fall into that category, then maybe mentioning my income earns your respect. However, if you’re like me and don’t care how much a person makes and you rather base your perception of others on the content of their character (shoutout MLK), then I’m sure you could understand the reason I started Efficient Sea.
The Real Why
My mom had recently quit her job. And given how much she’s sacrificed to get me to where I am, I figured the perfect way to give back while she’s unemployed would be to start a business where she and I could work together. Is it a great idea to start an online business with a technologically challenged 58-year old while working 60-80 (sometimes 100) hours a week? Probably not. But sometimes the dumbest ideas end up producing the craziest results. So let’s live a little.
I started this brand, company, whatever you want to call it… to provide value to the world. To leave a footprint here before I go. What better way to do that than to grow a business with a loved one.
How did we choose “Efficient Sea” you might ask? Well say it 5 times fast… yeah that’s why (Efficient Sea=Efficiency, if you didn’t get it after the 5th time like my mom didn’t lol).
The Value of an Idea
The entire idea of our business is based on one thing: Efficiency. Efficiency can be summarized as producing results without waste. Throughout my life, I’ve encountered people who have gone on to achieve incredible things. CEO’s of global companies. Doctors from world-class medical schools. Professional athletes at the top of their game. They all accomplished their goals by putting time and energy into the most important things. Many people don’t realize the value of time and spend precious seconds doing tasks longer than they should. Each second wasted is time taken away from what matters most in life.
As an attorney, I’m required to track my time in increments of 6 minutes (0.1 hours). So you best believe I’m always looking for ways to optimize my time and energy. Why not share what I’ve found?
Efficient Sea is here to guide people to products that will help them save time, energy, and space. The products here are products we’ve tried ourselves and wholeheartedly trust. So we just want to share them with you! The goal is to provide a one-stop shop for anyone looking for a way to optimize their life. One product at a time, we aim to free up your bandwidth to focus on the important things.
Once again, our mission is to provide value. If we could connect one person to one product that saves one second of their time, we’d be happy with the outcome of this business. The Butterfly Effect is real. One second, one inch of space, or one ounce of energy could be all the difference. We hope we can help with that.
Join us on our journey!
If you’d like to support us, all we ask is for you to follow our social media below. We are always on the lookout for ways to boost efficiency. Check out the products and processes we’ve discovered! If you believe there is something out there that would be a great fit to be featured here, please feel free to message us on social media and we’ll give it a look! Peace!